Why do I have Sensitive Teeth?

Having sensitive teeth can be a major disruption to your daily life. Teeth sensitivity affects millions of people around the world, and as a result, there’s been substantial research done to educate patients. 

What Causes Teeth Sensitivity?

Unfortunately, there are a few ways that your teeth may grow sensitive over time. This could be resulting from your gums receding over time as caused by gum disease. Once your gums have receded, they expose the dentin layer of your teeth which further exposes them to sensitivity pain. 

Being overly aggressive with your teeth by brushing or grinding your teeth can also expose the dentin layer of your teeth, leading to teeth sensitivity. Choosing a soft bristled toothbrush can help relieve some of the sensitivity, but you should speak with a dentist to try and solve a teeth grinding problem.

What Can I Do?

Luckily, tooth sensitivity does not have to remain at the forefront of your life. There are various methods for counteracting the damage and debilitating nature of sensitive teeth. In order to prevent one of the main sources, gum disease, you should be brushing your teeth at least twice a day. Brushing your teeth frequently will ensure you’ve done your part in removing plaque from the surface of your teeth, which in turn will keep them healthy, and keep you out of pain. 

Lastly, there are a number of options for treatment of sensitive teeth:

  • Brush and floss your teeth twice a day to prevent gum disease.

  • Be sure to clean all parts of your mouth, including between teeth and along the gumline.

  • Brush gently and use a soft bristled electric toothbrush. This will help prevent overaggressive brushing and protect your enamel from being worn away.

  • Avoid acidic foods and drinks.

  • Use a toothpaste designed to help protect your teeth against sensitivity.


How Hard are Your Teeth?


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