Why Does my Tooth Ache?
Tooth aches typically show up as sensitivity to temperatures, sweets or chewing, but may also present as throbbing, aching or sharp stabbing pains. Some tooth aches are quite mild and can go on for years while others are debilitating and must be addressed immediately.
What causes a Tooth Ache?
A tooth ache is caused by inflammation or infection which happens inside your tooth. It may also be caused by tooth root exposure, decay or trauma.
Who is at high risk for a Tooth Ache?
Some people are at higher risk for having tooth aches. Risk factors for having a tooth ache include:
Receding gums which expose tooth roots
Tooth decay
Tooth trauma from:
Existing deep fillings or crowns
Routine dental procedures
Night time tooth grinding
Bite problems
What can I do to minimize my risk of a Tooth Ache?
To minimize your risk of a tooth ache, there are important things that you need to do. The first critical step is to have the cause of the tooth ache diagnosed by your dentist. By maintaining a consistent oral care routine and addressing dental concerns early, you can significantly reduce the risk of developing a toothache.
* If infection is present it must be treated in a timely manner to avoid a more serious health risk.
What will happen if I choose to do nothing about my Tooth Ache?
Increased pain or infection requiring a root canal treatment or an extraction
Continued stress which may cause the tooth to fracture
Continued sensitivity which prevents you from eating comfortably
Set up an appointment with Smyrna Family Dentistry today to schedule an appointment!